Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest and supported this fundraiser. The photos are amazing and we wish we could fit them all in. Unfortunately, there is limited space which varies every year. This year, the top 96 photos will be included in the 2023 calendar.Calendar orders are being accepted here through
October 31, 2022. After that, please visit our website to order.
The photo with the most votes will be featured on the cover of the 2023 Northeast Coonhound Rescue Calendar!
The top six photos with the most votes in the Coonhound and Beagle categories will be featured on the calendar months.
Rainbow Bridge Memorial Page
Honor your coonhound or beagle that has crossed the rainbow bridge with a photo on our Rainbow Bridge Memorial Page. $20 donation per photo.
Visit the Rainbow Bridge Memorial Page in the Participate tab to reserve a spot. Space is limited, reserve early.
Tips for your Photo Shoot
- Set your camera to the highest resolution quality possible. Be sure the date function is turned off.
- Be sure to read the rules before starting. Photos can be submitted in two categories: Coonhound and Beagle
- To be qualified for the cover and calendar months, photos must be:
- Digital photos
- In color and in focus (no blurring or pixilation)
- Submitted in JPEG (jpg) or PNG format
- Able to be cropped to approx. 11x8.5 in size or 3300 pixels x 2550 pixels
- Resolution 250-350 pixels per inch
(Photos to be qualified for small insets can be smaller/lower resolution)
- Keep in mind what’s in the background. You want something that doesn’t compete with the dog. Be sure there are no brand names etc. that may disqualify your photo.
- Don’t take photos from so far away it’s difficult to see the dog. However, extreme close ups do not enlarge well.
- Use caution when taking photos that require a flash. Taking photos inside during the day or outside are the best ways to avoid glowing eyes.
- If your dogs is cooperating, takes lots of photos and choose the best one. If he’s not cooperating, try again later.
- Take a variety of photos like seasonal, action and candid.
- View your photos on your computer before submitting to ensure the photo isn’t blurry or out of focus.
- Don’t discount photos you’ve already taken. There may be the perfect entry already on your phone or camera!
- Be creative and most importantly, have fun!