Creative Aging Network-NC and the UNCG Gerontology Club are seeking artists to participate in our online art competition for a good cause! We are looking for designs to put on shirts as a fundraiser to promote access to arts and aging. We will also incorporate the designs into a future mural project. So, round up some brushes and pick your favorite paints! Because the art will be featured on t-shirts, we are looking for rectangular or square dimension art that can be printed on a standard, cotton shirt.
Submissions will be accepted April 15-30 and we will be conducting a community vote from May 1 – 10, 2021. We will select six designs to put on shirts and later incorporate into the mural on CAN-NC's campus. New or existing art is welcome!
Your artwork featured on a T-shirt promoting Creative Aging across our state and included in a mural on our campus in Greensboro.