Voting Ends 10/24/2024 at 12:00:00 PM Eastern Time

Pets on Pages

Enter your pet into the Children’s Health Foundation Pets on Pages contest! Your pet could be featured in an original storybook that will be enjoyed by children everywhere, including right here at the hospital.

A place where your pet will always be a hero, a forever memory you can hold in your hands.

Dog picture to cartoon

Why enter besides making your pet a star? To help kids like Zyon:

Imagine a tiny baby, born at just 27 weeks, fighting for his life in a world of beeping machines and worried whispers. This was Zyon, whose mother Kamlee had already battled through a kidney transplant to bring him into the world. For 101 heart-wrenching days, Zyon clung to life in the NICU, facing collapsed lungs, infections, and blood clots. But with the unwavering dedication of Children's Hospital staff and equipment funded by caring donors like you, a miracle unfolded. Today, Zyon's infectious smile and determination to explore the world around him bring tears of joy to all of our eyes. Zyon's story isn't just one of survival—it's a testament to the power of hope, advanced medicine, and the generosity of strangers coming together to give a child the chance to thrive against all odds.


Little Zyon Thriving
There will be four winners!

The top 3 pets with the most votes ($1 per vote) will automatically have their pets featured in the children's storybook, and a fourth will be drawn for every 100 votes for the final spot.

*Check out Prizing for full details.

Your participation, no matter how much you raise, helps purchase cutting-edge equipment, build care-enhancing programs, and conduct ground-breaking paediatric research - you and your pet will be heroes to kids

Thank you, and GOOD LUCK!

Top 4 Fundraisers
The top four animals with the most votes will each win a place in the Children's Health Foundation storybook. Each pet will be drawn as a unique character and will be featured in a special role, inspired by the pet's traits, within the story. These characters will help bring comfort, joy, and inspiration to children at the hospital.

Bonus Draw (5th Spot)
One additional spot in the book will be awarded through a random draw. For every 100 votes ($1 per vote), the pet will receive one entry into the draw. The winner of this draw will have their pet featured alongside the top four fundraisers.

Additional Prizes
Additional prizes may be awarded to runners-up and in special incentives during the contest.
Do I have to live in London to enter the contest?
You can enter the contest from anywhere in North America! Wherever you are, you obviously care about the children in London, and we couldn't be more grateful. However, if any additional prizing is announced through the contest or items that can't be shipped (like the storybook itself), you will not qualify for those.

My pet has passed away, may I still enter him/her?
Yes, you can! But remember you need to have digital quality photos of them. If the photos are not sufficient for the designer, the runner-up will be given your spot. If you would like your photo to be reviewed, please send it to us at

How do I change my entry photo?
If you would like to change your entry photo, please email the new photo and a link to your contest entry to

What if there is a tie?
If there is a tie for second, the contestants will be put in a draw. The winner of the draw will get to be in the storybook.

Will I receive a tax receipt?
Yes, tax receipts will be issued for all donations of $20 or more, unless specifically requested. Tax receipts will be emailed within 4 weeks of the end of the contest.

Who can I contact for help?
Email us at We're here to help.

Where can I learn more about Children's Health Foundation?
To learn more about Children's Health Foundation, please visit our website at
About Us
Children's Health Foundation believes that children and their families in Western Ontario deserve the best possible care and the most possible hope when faced with a serious health issue.

That is why we are calling on caring people to help strengthen and transform the health care experience in our region. Your generosity will fund cutting-edge equipment, care-enhancing programs, and ground-breaking paediatric research at Children's Hospital in London, TVCC, and Children's Health Research Institute.

You can ensure better childhoods for kids facing challenges and serious health issues and hope, relief, and support for those who love them.

Established in 1922, we inspire caring people to donate to support excellence in children's health care and research at Children's Hospital, TVCC and Children's Health Research Institute.

Saving lives and improving children's health and quality of life.

Our Donors Change Lives
This past year, our caring donors helped support:

13 Programs that make the hospital experience more positive. Including Child Life, Music Therapy, Art Therapy, and Therapeutic Clown Program.

39 State-of-the-art pieces of medical equipment. Nearly 100% of the equipment at Children's Hospital is funded by donations.

10 Programs and therapeutic services for children with disabilities. Including the Adapted Fitness Centre, Splinting and Casting, and Kids on the Block.

And ground-breaking research to prevent and treat childhood disease and injury around the world.

To view how donations are used at Children's Health Foundation, see our Financial Accountability Page.

Your Donations Directly Support…
Children's Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC)
Children's Hospital annually treats more than 66,000 of the most medically complex and critically ill patients in our region. Every day, Children's Hospital provides the very best care for sick and injured children from birth up to 18 years of age, serving a population base of more than 2.3 million people, including 400,000 children.

TVCC works to support children and their families to achieve the highest possible quality of life. TVCC serves more than 14,000 children, youth and their families every year through a wide range of services, many of which are donor funded.

Children's Health Research Institute (CHRI)
You can help empower researchers to pursue innovations in health care that will help save and improve young lives. Children's Health Research Institute (CHRI) has a long and proud history of discovering ways to prevent and treat diseases affecting infants, children and youth, and to determine ways to promote happy, healthy lives.

About Children's Health Foundation
The best care for children who are ill, close to home – that is the thought that launched the legacy of Children's Health Foundation.

Established in 1922, Children's Health Foundation impacts more than 66,000 children each year, across Western Ontario, from Windsor to London and Kitchener-Waterloo, and up north to Thunder Bay and beyond.

Our Foundation is proud to create lasting change through support of three outstanding partners in health care: Children's Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre, TVCC and Children's Health Research Institute.

Hand-in-hand with our donors, we are strengthening and transforming paediatric health care for London and our region. Because every child deserves the best chance to overcome sickness and discover what they're uniquely capable of achieving.

We all want our loved ones to thrive. That's why your support of Children's Health Foundation is so important.

To learn more about Children's Health Foundation, please visit our website at
The Story

Below is the draft story we will be basing the final story on. It will change according to the animals that win, to incorporate their adorable personalities and traits. We can't wait to see all the winners come to life in the pages of the book.


The Curious Case of Buddy's Disappearance 

In a cozy neighbourhood in London Ontario, where the gardens bloomed and the sidewalks were perfect for afternoon strolls, there lived a group of doggy friends. There was Rusty the playful retriever, Pepper the excitable terrier, and Daisy the gentle old bulldog. But the wisest of them all was Buddy, a clever Labrador who wore a special vest.

You see, Buddy was no ordinary dog. He was a certified service dog, always by the side of his young human, Tommy. Buddy knew all sorts of important things, like how to fetch Tommy's medicine or when to alert Tommy's parents if something wasn't quite right.

One sunny morning, Rusty bounded out to play, but Buddy wasn't in his usual spot in Tommy's front yard. Pepper sniffed around, but there was no trace of their friend. Even Daisy, who usually napped through the excitement, opened one eye with concern.

"Where could Buddy be?" woofed Rusty. "This isn't like him at all," yapped Pepper. "We must find him," Daisy grumbled, slowly getting to her paws.

The dogs set off on an adventure through the neighbourhood, checking all of Buddy's favourite spots. They looked in the park where squirrels chattered, peeked into the ice cream shop where kind Mrs. Johnson sometimes offered doggy treats, and even circled the pond where ducks quacked indignantly at their presence.

But Buddy was nowhere to be found.

As the sun began to set, the dogs trudged home, tails drooping. That's when they overheard Tommy's father talking to a neighbour.

"We've been at the children's hospital," he said, sounding tired. "Tommy's condition took a turn, but Buddy's been right there with him. Such a good dog."

The next day, Rusty, Pepper, and Daisy gathered to plan.

"Buddy's doing his job," woofed Rusty. "So we should do ours!" "But what can we do?" Pepper tilted his head. Daisy's wrinkly face broke into a doggy grin. "We'll help Tommy's family while they're away."

And so began Operation Doggy Duty. Rusty fetched the morning paper, carefully carrying it to the front porch. Pepper kept a watchful eye on the house, barking importantly whenever the mail truck rumbled by. Daisy, moving as quickly as her old bones allowed, waddled after stray leaves in the yard, keeping things tidy.

Days passed, and the neighbours began to notice. They smiled at the sight of different dogs taking turns to pick up the paper or chase away the cheeky squirrels from the bird feeder.

Finally, one bright afternoon, a car pulled into Tommy's driveway. Out came Tommy, looking tired but smiling, with Buddy right by his side. The other dogs rushed to greet their friend, tails wagging furiously.

Buddy looked at the tidy yard, the pile of neatly delivered papers, and his doggy friends. His tail wagged slowly, and if dogs could smile, Buddy's face would have lit up like the sun.

That evening, as the neighbourhood settled into a peaceful quiet, four dogs lay on Tommy's porch. Buddy told tales of the big building with the funny smells, where brave children got better. The others shared stories of their adventures in doggy duty.

As stars twinkled overhead, they all knew that no matter what happened, they would always be there for each other. Because that's what true friends do, whether they walk on two legs or four.

The End.

Drawing of potential characters in the book.

Pets on Pages is a special fundraising contest where your pet can be featured as a character in a children's health storybook. Proceeds from the contest will support vital equipment and programs at Children's in London, Ontario, ensuring that children receive the best possible care and experience joy through the healing power of stories.

Contest Timing

  1. The contest opens at 10:00:00 AM (Eastern Time) on Thursday, October 10, 2024.
  2. The contest closes at 12:00:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Thursday, October 24, 2024. All votes must be submitted before the contest closes to count towards your pet's total.

  1. The contest is open to domestic pets (dogs, cats, and other pets), and all entries must adhere to contest guidelines. Exotic animals and wild animals are not permitted.
How to Enter

  1. Participants can enter their pet into the contest by creating an entry on the Pets on Pages contest website.
  2. There is a $1 cost per vote, and each vote contributes directly to Children's Health Foundation. The more votes your pet receives, the better their chances of winning.

  • Top 4 Fundraisers:
    The top four pets with the most votes will be featured as unique characters in the children's health storybook. Each pet's unique traits will be incorporated into their character in the story. These pets will help bring comfort and hope to children at Children's and beyond.

  • Bonus Draw (5th Spot):
    One additional spot will be awarded via a random draw. For every 100 votes ($1 per vote), your pet will receive one entry into the draw. The winner of this draw will secure the fifth and final place in the book.

  • Additional Prizes (Optional):
    Additional prizes may or may not be awarded in special promotions during the contest depending on availability.
Voting and Fundraising Rules

  • Each vote costs $1 and can be cast through the contest website.
  • Votes and donations must be made directly online through your contest entry to count towards your total. Offline donations may be able to count towards votes given enough notice - contact 1-888-834-2496 for assistance.
  • If there is a tie for any of the top four spots, the tied contestants will be entered into a draw to determine the winner.
  • The 5th spot will be awarded via a random draw, with one entry for every 100 votes earned.
Photo Submission and Requirements

  • Photo Submission Deadline: Winners must submit an additional 3-4 photos of their pet within one week of being notified. The photos must meet the following requirements:
    • The pet should occupy no less than 2/3 of the frame.
    • The photos should be clear, sharp, and focused. If appropriate photos are not provided by the deadline, the prize may be offered to the next eligible contestant.

  • If there is a tie for the top spots, the tied contestants will be entered into a draw to determine the winner.
Tax Receipts

  • Donations of $20 or more will receive a tax receipt. Tax receipts will be emailed to donors within four weeks of the contest's conclusion unless otherwise requested.
Winner Announcement

  • The winners will be announced on the contest website within three days of the contest closing. Winners will also be contacted directly by Children's Health Foundation to arrange for photo submissions and any additional information needed to create their pet's character.
Entry Disqualification

  • Children's Health Foundation reserves the right to disqualify any entry based on objectionable content, or depictions of animals or persons in photos that do not align with the hospital's values. Donations collected will be refunded if requested by the donors.
Content Usage

  • By entering the contest, participants grant Children's Health Foundation the right to use the name, story, and photos of the winning pets in publications, promotions, and materials that support the hospital's mission.

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Children's Health Foundation
345 Westminster Ave
London, ON N6C 4V3
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