Woburn Middlesex Lions Club
This is your chance to make your favorite furry friend famous in the "Cutest Pet Photo Contest 2022" sponsored by the Woburn Middlesex Lions Club. Top vote recipient's will win 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Prizes - Plus a Judges Choice Award. Follow voting along with your pet in
REAL TIME. How to Enter:- Entry Period will be 6:00:00 AM (Eastern Time) on Saturday, January 15, 2022 to 8:00:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Tuesday, March 8, 2022
- Select Participate and click "Enter Contest" or "View Entries/Vote"
- Submit your most adorable photo of your pet
- Make sure to include pet's name and a little story
- Entry fee is $5
How to Win:- Voting Period will be 6:00:00 AM (Eastern Time) on Saturday, January 15, 2022 to 8:00:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Tuesday, March 8, 2022
- Vote by clicking on Participate and "View Entries/Vote"
- Share your Pet's Page with family and friends asking them to vote and explain their votes help Lion's Eye Research
- Share your Pet's Page on social media along with our link gogophotocontest.com/woburnmiddlesexlionsclub asking your followers to vote
- $1 = 1 Vote
- Follow voting in real time
All proceeds raised will go towards Lions Eye Research and local community charities.
1st Place Prize- $200 VISA Gift Card Donated by: AP Flowers & Son LLC
- Hill's Science Diet Dog Food Donated by Adams Animal Clinic Woburn MA $75 value
2nd Place Prize- $100 VISA Gift Card Donated by: A Pet's Choice Doggy Day Care.
- Two $15 gift cards, each for a pet nail trim. A Pet's Choice
3rd Place Prize- $50 Gift Card to Pup's Lifestyle Boutique Burlington MA
- $25 Cash Prize Donated by Happy Bow Wow Dog Grooming.
About Us
Lions International is the largest non profit community service organization in the world. The Woburn Middlesex Lions Club is comprised of 75 plus women from Woburn Ma and surrounding towns. Our humanitarian efforts most often are associated with blindness prevention and sight restoration and various community philanthropy projects. All proceeds raised through this contest will go towards local charities and Mass Lions Eye Research Fund. Our Lion Motto, "
We Serve".