We are so very proud to help raise funds Make-A-Wish British Columbia and Yukon, but we could not do it without wonderful families like you who participated. Being able to create beautiful portraits all the while raising funds for an incredible organization is a definite win, win, win for families, the charity and our business alike.
For as little as $5 you can participate too by voting for your favourite portrait. The net voting proceeds will be donated to Make-A-Wish British Columbia and Yukon, after the contest has finished.
For the families who are participating in the contest please ask everyone you know to vote for your children's portrait. Friends, family, and neighbours, basically everyone you know! It is for an incredible cause but we need you to participate to reach our goal of $5000. I know we can do it with your help.
We have only 10 days to raise these funds…so don't delay…vote + share today!
We have a grand prize for our Cover winner as well as runner up prizes!
To show our immense gratitude and to thank those who vote in our contest, there is the opportunity to enter a drawing for a Hudson Wren Portrait Sitting with Artwork for your home, valued at $1000. Valid for use in our Victoria or Vancouver Studios. You will be contacted via telephone, email or text the last week of January if your entry was successful. *terms and conditions may apply
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Questions? Please contact us at:
hudsonwren.com 888 677 6909