SSRR is excited to announce we’ve been approved as a charity partner with Benefit Wines! We now need to design the front label for the bottle!! That’s where we’re asking our village of followers for help. We’re confident you’ll enjoy the challenge.Our goal is to find a great graphic design that portrays SSRR and our beloved rotties in a positive light. We want to show the world what the real Rottie is like. Of course it needs to be appropriate for all audiences. It may not contain any U.S. state, U.S. military or U.S. government flag, symbol, crest or seal.
There are six wines in the program so we’ll need six different images. You may enter as many images as you like. SSRR’s logo will appear at the top and the wine type prints at the bottom. To get a visual idea of what other rescues have designed and a general idea of the layout, just visit Benefit Wines website.
Submissions are open to everyone for a $5 donation per entry and can be made until April 20th at 9:00 PM CST. All entries may be voted on immediately for a $1 donation. Encourage your friends and family to join in the fun and competition. We want a race to the finish line!!
The six (6) images with the most $1 donations will have their design published on a bottle of wine and will also receive a bottle of wine with their design on it!
The top vote-getter will have their choice of which type wine they’d like to be seen on. (Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Merlot or Malbec)