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Dog's Age
7 month
Entrant's First Name
Tell us something fun about your dog
Ringo's pedigree name came from Bon Jovi song "Diamond Ring". It's beautiful. He's my diamond ring, my tale, my 5th feet, follows me where ever I go. And he speaks to me. Never had a dog who is talking. Yes, yes, making sounds and repeating my intonation when he's missing me, complaining or happy, when he want's to play. Tender, sensitive, clever, charming, stable, brave, happy, joyful, loving boy. And it's only beginning of all good things about Ringo boy.
He is in love in our cat Bella. He still don't know how to react at her correct. Sometimes he can't stop kissing her, sometimes he's pointing on her 5-10 min while she is washing herself, sometimes he's chasing her like she'd be a duck. And most beautiful is that she loves him for that craziness. When Ringo is sleeping, she comes to him, kisses his nose, waking him up and teasing "hey you, lazy boy, get up and lets go play" If Ringo won't react at her, she starts her game boxing his nose. And there he comes, jumping on his four and trying to catch her. I never get enough watching their games.
Setters are beautiful.
Ringo lives happy life with his two Irish brothers and cat Bella in Norway.
One day he will grow in to beautiful hunter and will run over Norwegian mountains and swim in the fjords.
I wish so much for such happy life to all setters in the world. Love this breed!
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