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Plano, TX
Tell us something fun about your dog
Buddy patrols his fenced yard all day as if his mission in life is to make sure that no squirrel ever comes down a tree and no bird even thinks about landing. He is an intense hunter. This wasn’t taught to him, it is in his field Setter genes. But he always acts calm in the house – we imagine he must be exhausted.
He was pulled from a shelter where his time was up and the shelter worker begged a Chihuahua rescuer to save him. It must have been a sight – majestic Buddy, a 50 pound bundle of bird dog energy among a pack of Chihuahuas at his first foster home. We spotted him on Petfinder and offered to foster him. He was being treated for heartworms and had other health issues that we helped him through. Over time we came to realize that he was home.
Over the years he has learned to give and receive love and has become a bit of a softy, though the call of the wild always shows in his eyes.
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