What's a Feel-Good Photo?
These are your pictures, that you have taken. It's those pictures on your phone you love looking at because they make you smile. They're the photos that make you happy and brighten your gloomy days. They're the photos that make you... Feel-Good. And a whole gallery of those images will probably make other people feel good, too. Enter your best photos you love to look at - pets, nature, smiles, food, family - there are no limiting categories.
Entering is free! You can enter as many as you like, but pick your best. This is a contest, so it asks for your contact information. The information is so we know who submitted the photo, and in case you win!
Did you know that donating money also feels good?Look through the submitted photos, and vote for your favorites! Vote generously and vote often! Proceeds go towards Rotary service projects. You can also donate money directly to the Rotary eClub of District 5010 on their webpage if the photo contest if you'd prefer to skip the contest.
Daily Thank-You-for-Voting Photo!
Every day, we're giving you a spectacular photo from the Alaska Wonders Collection,
perfect for your desktop or zoom background. The photo changes daily! When you receive an email receipt for your voting donation, there is a link to the photo of the day. (These below,
and more!)

and... Amazing Prizes
1st place: CASH. 50% of the net proceeds from your photo votes. Who can't use cash?
1st to 5th place: Privilege of naming a Feel-Good chicken. Backyard chicks are a heart-melting joy to watch. These five are presently known as "Blue", "Yellow", "Pink", "Green", and "Orange". The top-five photo submissions, as determined by votes, may designate a name for one of the chicks, and will, of course, receive a photo and naming certificate. Chicken Nugget? Fluffy McCuters? Omelette? Scrambled? Tiny Dino?
Every photo with 100+ votes: A set of 10 artistically-created photo greeting cards mailed to you! Photos are from around Alaska. The cards are hand-made and signed. These card sets are made-to-order, and there is a waiting list to get them!
Where do the proceeds go?
Funds raised from the contest will fund life-changing humanitarian and educational projects around the world conducted by the Rotary eClub of District 5010 International. Our page is
www.rotaryeclub5010.org. Past service projects have included youth leadership training like Rotary Youth Service Awards and the World Affairs Seminar, financial & food support for local food banks, financial support for the ShelterBox program, and other projects.
Winning rank and prizes are determined by the number of votes received for each photo. Each vote is 1.00 USD. You are allowed to enter multiple photos in the contest.