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Entrant's NameCyndi
A little about me...My son and I adopted Buddy (mackerel tabby) and Liberty Bell (Russian Blue with only one eye) as a bonded pair of adult cats from the AWLA on Dec 24, 2021. Their estimated ages: Buddy is about 10 yrs old, and Bell is approximately 7 yrs old. They lived together at their previous home, and so they still do. They play-fight like siblings, and they watch out for each other like siblings as well. They team up against the human servants to do things like sneak out of the house or take over an entire queen sized bed.
They have brought immeasurable love and amusement into our household, and in return, they are spoiled and pampered, and treated like the royalty that they are.
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter/rescue organization, please list the organization so we can give them special mention in our calendar.Animal Welfare League of Alexandria