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Entrant's NameMorgan
A little about me...*Cue the “What did you do?” face*
We adopted Bane (formerly Arlo) from the AWLA Vola Lawson Animal Shelter in September of 2021 as a rescue from Oklahoma. Him and our other dog, Matilda, are the best of friends. He knows to not mess with the cat, but will often steal his bed- somehow getting his lanky 80 pound body to curl tightly enough to fit into a 2.5 ft x 1.5 ft bed. The cat then gets to sleep on Banes baby-crib-sized mattress. Matilda growls at him if he tries to interrupt her sleeping. He has been dubbed the annoying little brother, but he is well loved and accepted by the whole crew.
He came with what seemed like a botched at-home tail docking, so while he has a little nub, he also has a “normal” 5 inch long tail, sticking straight out the side of his nub (it is somehow non-painful!) We call it his little flag. He’s sometimes insecure about it and won’t let anybody touch it, but we can respect his flags space. Personally, I see what comes out of that end, and I have very little interest in messing with the surrounding appendages.
He is a great dog and friend and we love him to death…Here’s to you, knucklehead!!!
If your animal is from a specific animal shelter/rescue organization, please list the organization so we can give them special mention in our calendar.Vola Lawson Animal Shelter (formerly Arlo)