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My dog isa Non-NECR Dog
Your Pet's Story or BioI adopted Daisy in July 2009. She was considered a long term resident at the local AWS and was being moved further North with the hope she would be adopted, otherwise would be euthanized.
I saw her and she was all over me, I did not want her to be taken to another shelter and possibly euthanized. I adopted her that day, taking her home.
She was 3 1/2 years old, not house broken and suffering from allergies. I got to enjoy and love her until June 5, 2021 when it became obvious her body was transitioning while her mind was hanging on and neither of us wanted to separate. She had become healthy through the years thanks to her vet, who kept her off steroids 90% of her life, utilizing integrative treatments for her bad allergies. Her vet and I were there to help her RIP. I miss her!