Entry Category:
Pet's Age15-ish
A little about me...Hi, I’m Ava, a resilient little Chihuahua with a big story to tell!
LIKES: naps, watermelon, going to bed early
DISLIKES: kids, the pool, being away from my fam
I was adopted in 2012 from the Nevada SPCA. My family saw my picture on social media and knew they had to have me. My dad went down right at opening and, though a little girl also wanted to take me home, he knew I was meant to be with them. The little girl cried, but I really wanted to go with my dad.
A few months after joining my new family, I started having seizures—sometimes up to 10 a day! It was scary, but eventually, I was diagnosed with Meningoencephalitis, a rare immune-mediated brain disease. I was only about 3 or 4 at the time, but thanks to treatment like 15 weeks of chemo and lifelong medication, my condition was brought under control. Now, 12 years later, I’m still here, living my quirky, loving life.
There’s something special about the bond we have, and my family knew from the start that we were meant for each other. So, if you could, VOTE for me, Ava, the resilient old lady and the cutest Chihuahua ever (no offense to my other Chihuahua siblings)!