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Pet's Age1 1/2 years
A little about me...Cyrus was originally Cyborg and part of a litter of 5 foster kittens (The Teen Titans) in 2022 from the Nevada SPCA. After being treated for ringworm and a herpes virus, all his siblings were adopted into new homes. Cyborg took longer to heal and was adopted into our family (aka a foster fail) in January 2023. Unfortunately, he became critically ill in March and was diagnosed with wet Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). This normally fatal disease is now treatable with a very expensive, difficult to obtain drug that requires daily injections for 84 days. As a committed cat owner and veterinary technician, I pursued treatment and worked closely with my local veterinarian to get him cured as of June 2023. He was the 1st case ever treated successfully in our local hospital Now, he is a loving, spoiled boy in a house of 3 female cats. He loves to play fetch and snuggle with his mommy. He is quick to make sure that breakfast is served every morning and will drink out of any unattended water cup. He is a silly little guy that sleeps on his back, belly exposed, stretched over the whole bed. He is truly a miracle kitty!!