Entry Category:
Pet's Age5
A little about me...Biscuit was rescued from the Nevada SPCA, he was a victim of the California fires in 2018. I called in October and asked if they had kittens, I worked with the nicest girl (Stephanie?) and she said they were adopting out around Christmas time, Santa was able to deliverer him on Xmas Eve. Since day 1, he's been an extraordinary character. He behaves more like a dog than a cat. He sleeps in between us and uses a pillow and purrs all night long. I have never heard him hiss, he's never bitten anyone and his PURR is CONSTANT. He stands on his hind legs like a Meerkat when he is curious, He lives for treats and wakes us up for them every morning with a very loud MEOW, several times. Whenever we're in the kitchen he's sitting in front of the treat jar, I always cave. His personality is incredibly human-like and affectionate. He loves car rides and road trips. On the road Biscuit sits on the kids laps all chill and looks out the window like a dog, it's quite hysterical!! Like most cats, they tend to ignore you, not Biscuit, he greets us at the door. Our lives changed when he entered our life, he just keeps us calm and coming home is the best feeling with his beautiful smile at the door. He's quite the big fella, weighing almost 20 lbs, Vote for Bisky!