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MILLY’S STAR 2025 Calendar Contest

Heart Dogs is helping Milly’s Search, Trap & Rescue raise much-needed funds through a 2025 calendar contest. The contest is open to everyone; your photo entry does not have to be of a pet who has been lost. It is open to all domestic dogs and cats.

Enter only if you can get to Belmont, Lake Macquarie, NSW  for the studio session in September or October.

How It Works
  • There is a $5 fee for entering your pet into the contest.
  • Each vote will be $1. Each $1 donation counts as one vote for that photo. All Entry fees and voting dollars will directly benefit Milly’s Search Trap & Rescue.
  • You may vote as often as you like.
Submit a photo of your pet(s) and include:
  1. Name of pet(s) featured
  2. Pet/s name
  3. Pet/s Age
  4. Pet/s Breed (There is a $5 fee for entering your pet into the contest)
Photos may contain one or more pets and must:
  • Contain only pets; no people
  • Not be edited or altered other than minor color, contrast, or sharpness adjustments
  • Feature pets owned by the entrant
  • Not be professional photography; photos must be taken by the owner
Lobby for votes! Once your pet has been submitted, share the link with your friends and family via social media, email, and word of mouth.

Reserve a Spot to Honor Your Pet
Honor your pet or celebrate a gotcha-day or birthday by reserving an empty grid space (before or after the numbered squares) for their photo. Choose a favorite photo, a month, and pay. Each month has a limited number of squares in each grid and will be filled on a first come, first served basis; don't delay!

Reserve Your Spot Here →

Want to Order Your Calendar(s)?
Please consider ordering a calendar. This will help us purchase the right amount of calendars so we don't waste valuable funds on extra stock.

Calendar Order →

Top Vote Recipient:
  • Wins the coveted 2025 Calendar Cover.

Next Twelve Vote Getters:
  • Will be the featured pet for one of the twelve months in the calendar.

Top 13 Entries:
  • Win a professional photo studio session with Heart Dogs.
  • Receive $200 towards the purchase of prints from their session.
  • Sessions will be scheduled during September and October in the studio in Belmont.
  • If unable to commit to a photo session during this time, the winner forfeits their spot and the next top vote getter will take their place. No exceptions.

Heart Dogs' Selection:
  • Heart Dogs will choose the best images from each shoot and their corresponding months.
  • All winners will have the opportunity to purchase prints following their session.

Calendar Availability:
  • Calendars will be available for purchase starting December 2024.

Weekly Mini-Contest:
  • The pet receiving the highest number of new votes each week during the four-week contest will win a mini-contest prize from one of the supporting businesses.
  • Open to all domestic dogs and cats.
  • Participants can enter or donate from anywhere.

  • The top 13 entries will win a professional studio photo session with Heart Dogs and $200 towards any prints purchased after their session.
  • Sessions will be studio sessions only, taking place in Belmont, Lake Macquarie, NSW.
  • The top vote recipient will win the cover photo for the 2025 calendar.
  • The remaining 12 entries with the most votes will be featured as a pet of the month.
  • Heart Dogs will choose the best images from each shoot for the corresponding months.
  • Winners can purchase products following their session, with 5% of sales benefiting Milly’s Search Trap & Rescue.
  • Calendars will be available for purchase starting December 2024.
  • The pet receiving the highest number of new votes each week during the six-week contest will win a mini-contest prize from participating businesses.

Photo Sessions:
  • Sessions will be scheduled during September and October.
  • If winners cannot commit to a photo session during this time, they forfeit their winning and the next top vote getter will take their spot. No exceptions.
  • Dogs and cats in contest photos must not display signs of distress (e.g., looking fearful or anxious).
  • Heart Dogs reserves the right to request a new picture submission for any reason.

Voting and Donations:
  • Donations made in support of a pet are valued at one vote for every $1.00 donated.
  • Entry fees and voting dollars will directly benefit Milly’s Search Trap & Rescue

  • By submitting a photo, participants give permission to Heart Dogs & Milly’s Search Trap & Rescue to use the name, story, and photo of the animal entered in future publications, promotions, and materials, including the 2025 calendar.
  • Participants confirm they own the rights to the photo submitted.

Other Details:
  • All calendar winners must be able to travel to Belmont, Lake Macquarie, NSW for their studio photo session.
  • Sessions will take place in September & October, and those who cannot commit will forfeit their win, no exceptions.
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Dozer & Co
Barkery Lane
Tasty Wiener Treats
Bright Eyed Waggy Tails
Milly’s Search, Trap and Rescue
19 Casey Cres
Kariong, NSW 2250
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