Sign up today for LAPS' Pets on Pints presented by The Newpoint Group. You could win having your pet featured on one can of a limited edition four pack from Camp Beer Co.! Yay Camp!

The top two entries with the most votes ($1 per vote) will automatically get their pets featured, while everyone else will be put into a draw* - with one entry for every 100 votes for the other two spots.
Anyone could win with just a bit of help from your friends. (19+)
Your support, no matter the amount, helps provide care for the many animals currently at LAPS. Our shelter is bursting with animals eagerly waiting for their forever homes. By participating, you’re making a real difference in their lives, helping them find the love and care they deserve.
*See full rules and prizing details below.
How It Works:
Submit Your Pet’s Photo: Share the most adorable or hilarious photo of your pet. Each entry is a step towards helping LAPS.
Vote and Share($1 per vote): Get your friends and family to vote for your pet’s photo. The more votes, the higher the chance your pet will featured on a Camp Beer Co. label!
Celebrate and Support: Winners will see their pets on a limited-edition beer label and be excited for all the animals that will find loving homes because of you.
48 Hour Challenge winners:
Congratulations Tammy and Rex who won the prize to name the next litter! DO you think they will all be named after Rex? T-Rex, Rexopher, Rexamus... there have a lot of options.
And congratulations to Scott and Peaches who won a custom Pint glass to celebrate one sweet pup with every sip.

The top two fundraisers will each win a place for their pet to be featured on one of two cans in a 4-pack of Camp Beer Co., a special limited release label! (One animal per label.)
The other two labels will be awarded through a draw. Draw entries will be separated into two categories, Dogs and Cats/Other animal friends. This is to make sure there are a variety of animals on the final 4 pack. Each fundraiser will receive one entry into the draw for every $100 CAD raised. Winners will be randomly selected from these entries.
Langley Animal Protection Society will contact all four winners about their prizes and any bonus prizes Camp Beer Co. may award within 48 hours of the end of the contest.
About Us
The Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS), a registered non-profit charitable organization, is dedicated to supporting healthy human-animal connections through leadership, education, programs, and municipal services.
Through a variety of essential services LAPS aims to ensure that pets can stay with the people who love them.
LAPS provides a range of emergency shelter services to care for animals in need, as well as social programs designed to assist pet owners. These initiatives include food banking, spay/neuter services, access to urgent veterinary care and emergency boarding for people freeing interpersonal violence or faced with housing insecurity. By offering these crucial resources, LAPS seeks to alleviate the pressures faced by pet owners during challenging times and to prevent unnecessary separation of pets from their families.
Our Vision
Thriving animals, Caring people
Contest Rules
- Age Requirement: You must be 19+ years of age to participate in the "Brews & Buddies Showdown." This includes both entering the contest and fundraising.
- Contest Timing: The contest opens at 9:00:00 AM (Pacific Time) on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. The contest closes at 12:00:00 PM (Pacific Time) on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. All fundraising must occur within these dates.
- Winner Announcement: The four winners will be announced on the homepage of the contest website within three days after the contest closes. The winners will also be contacted directly by Langley Animal Protection Society to arrange for additional photo submissions to choose the best one for the label design.
- Fundraising Verification: Winners will be determined based on the amount of votes their entry receives. All donations must be made online and directly to your contest entry to be counted towards your fundraising total. To join the contest, you must create an entry on the contest website.
- Tiebreaker: If there is a tie, those contestants will be entered into a draw. The winner of the draw will be featured on the label.
- Entry Disqualification: Langley Animal Protection Society reserves the right to disqualify an entry based on objectionable content or depiction of the animal or persons in a photo. Donations collected will be refunded if requested by the donors.
- Photo Submission Deadline: All winners must provide a selection of 3-4 photos of their pet one week after the contest ends. Photos must meet the image requirements outlined below. If appropriate photos are not provided by the deadline, Langley Animal Protection Society will offer the winning place to the next eligible contestant.
- Content Usage Agreement: By agreeing to the waiver when you enter the contest, you acknowledge and give permission to Langley Animal Protection Society and CAMP Beer Co. to use the name, story, and photo of the animal entered in future publications, promotions, and materials that serve the LAPS mission.
Image and Name Requirements for Winners
- Name Inclusion: If the final label design includes the name of the animal. Names using offensive or questionable language, or in contradiction to Langley Animal Protection Society policies, will not be printed, an alternative nickname can be provided or the next highest fundraiser will be offered the prize.
- Photo Rights: Winners must own the rights to the photos they provide (photos taken by professional photographers are not eligible without explicit permission).
- Photo Quality: Photos must be high quality and resolution, include only the winning animal (no other animals or humans), and the animal should occupy no less than 2/3 of the frame.
- Background and Focus: Ensure that the photo is sharp and in focus.
- Policy Compliance: No images in conflict with Langley Animal Protection Society policies or procedures can be accepted. If a photo is deemed ineligible, the winning contestant will have five days to submit new photos. If a usable photo cannot be produced, the label will go to the next highest fundraiser.
Do I have to live in Langley to enter the contest? You can enter the contest from anywhere! Wherever you are, you obviously care about the animals in Langley and we couldn't be more grateful. However, if any additional prizing is announced through the contest, like gift cards, or items that can't be shipped (like the beer itself), you will not qualify for those.
Does my pet have to be adopted from LAPS to enter the contest?All domestic animals are welcome to enter the contest. Wild and exotic animals are not permitted.
My pet has passed away, may I still enter him/her? Yes, you can! But remember you need to have digital quality photos of them. If the photos are not sufficient for the designer, the runner-up will be given your spot. If you would like your photo to be reviewed, please send it to us at
How do I change my entry photo? If you would like to change your entry photo, please email the new photo and a link to your contest entry to What if there is a tie? If there is a tie for second, the contestants will be put in a draw. The winner of the draw will get to be on the label.
Will my donors receive a tax receipt? Yes, tax receipts will be issued for all donations of $20 or more, unless specifically requested. Tax receipts will be emailed within 4 weeks of the end of the contest.
Who can I contact for help? Email us at We're here to help.