Tips for Your Cool Dog
Here are some tips to help your dog reach your goals in the Zionsville Kiwanis Coolest Dog Contest. Below you'll find suggestions on how to promote your dog, including ready-to-go posts for your social media campaign. And who knows, you may find out you have the coolest dog, and a special brew is waiting to be labeled with your dog's picture. Good luck!
Contest Entry
- You are welcome to have fun with your dog's photo. It should be a clear, hi-res photo (min. 300 dpi) that shows why your dog is coolest and brew worthy. Dress them up, find a good face, or a unique pose.
- Be clever with explaining why your dog is coolest. This is your chance to share the unique story of what makes your dog cool. Maybe share something your dog does to make you laugh or a unique habit.
- Let everyone you know see that you have entered your dog into the contest and let them know how easy it is to vote and send the URL link or QR code to them. They are shown below.
- Remind everyone about the discount that gives one extra vote for every $5 spent in a single vote transaction. A vote with $20 gets 24 votes.
- Remind everyone about the cause behind the contest. We are helping children by contributing to the Boys & Girls Club, and Riley Hospital to reduce infant mortality. These children are future dog owners, and they need our help.
The Basics after Entry
Tell everyone you know about your entry. Keep the web address handy as well as the QR code which are shown here. Print the page and keep the code handy for scanning. Social media is a great way to share your information. Below are some tips for using social media to promote your dog to the world.
- Post daily or frequently on one or more of your platforms.
- Short videos and fun, sharp photos will get your posts noticed.
- Keep your text messages short.
- Recruit your family and friends to share so your posts get wider distribution.
- Share and write social media posts regularly, always using our tags: @KiwanisClubofZionsville on Instagram; and #zvillecoolestdog on Twitter.
- Send your followers to the contest's voting page with the link and QR code above.
- Watch the contest on Facebook and Instagram for these and other social media ideas.
- Share the Kiwanis Facebook posts on your Facebook page as we will be posting daily to draw attention to your dogs.
Try These Ideas and Don't Forget to Encourage Votes
Interview your dog for a short video to post on your social media. Ask him/her how he/she feels about chances for winning the contest. Ask about her/his strategy? Who has been his/her inspiration?
Videotape each family member explaining why they love their dog. Keep it short.
Videotape or photograph your dog performing a trick or two.
Explain why you support the contest's aim to raise funds for the Boys & Girls Club or Riley's fight against infant mortality.
Snap and post a photo of your dog-related bumper sticker to prove your love for your pet.
Write or record one of your favorite memories from experiences at a Boys & Girls Club or at Riley Children's Hospital.
Write or videotape yourself describing the moment when you first saw your cool dog.
Share your dog's puppy photos/videos.
Describe your dog's typical day. Or make up a spectacular fictional day of adventure!
Dress your dog in costume or clothes and share a photograph or video.
Capture a video or photo of your dog with a favorite toy.
Ask your children or grandchildren to draw pictures of your dog so you can post their artwork while promoting your dog.
Have fun expanding on the story you wrote for your dog's entry. If, for example, you portrayed him/her as a secret agent, tell of a recent, thrilling assignment.
Compare your candidate's traits to those of famous dogs, such as Lassie, Scooby Doo, or Toto too. We're sure these famous hounds can't compare to your furry best friend.
Release your inner comedic talents and pun-fully play with these canine clichés:
- dog days of summer
- dogged determination
- doggy bag
- let sleeping dogs lie
- dog-eat-dog world
- sick as a dog
- can't teach an old dog new tricks
- his bark is worse than his bite
- puppy love
- gone to the dogs
- dog-eared
- dog-tired
- puppy-dog eyes
- work like a dog
- every dog has its day
- who let the dogs out?
- underdog
- in the doghouse
- raining cats and dogs
- alpha pup/dog
- as happy as a dog with two tails
- hot diggety dog
- love me, love my dog
- my dog ate my homework
Use These (Almost) Ready-to-Go Posts
Try using these messages – as they are or edited and personalized to your taste – on social media to encourage your friends, family, and other followers to vote for your dog. Link to the contest at the Link shown above. Some of these are short enough or can be edited for use on Twitter too. Good luck.
Remember, photos, videos and brevity dramatically increase interest in your social media posts.
Suggested posts to be used immediately or soon after you enter your dog in the contest. (Dog's Name) needs your help. She/He's an entrant in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. Every $1 dollar vote gets him/her closer to being declared one of ten cool dogs. The winning dog's portrait will be featured on the label of a special Deviate Brewing beer! More importantly, the contest is raising money for the Zionsville Boys & Girls Club, Riley Children's Foundation, and the Zionsville Kiwanis Club. Please vote (link) for (dog's name). Vote as often as you like! Every contribution-vote is appreciated.
We're challenging you! We've entered our (dog's name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. Enter your dog, and let's see -- just among ourselves -- who has the top dog. The chase is on!
Suggested posts to be used during the contest. Get more votes for your bucks with the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest's quantity discounts! Each transaction in multiples of five receives bonus votes. A $5 gift gets 6 votes. $20 gets 24. $100 gets 120. And so forth and so forth. (Dog's name) thanks you. We do too!
Do you like s'mores? We sure do. A few years ago, we attended Christmas in the Village and passed a fire pit where the Zionsville Kiwanis Club was serving those toasty-brown marshmallow treats. When we asked the price, imagine our surprise when we were told they were free! Here's a way to pay the Kiwanians back for their community spirit: Vote for (Dog's name) in their Zionsville Coolest Dog contest.
Our dog (Name) is doing well in the Zionsville Coolest Dog contest, but he still needs your help. Every vote is appreciated, and every vote will help Indiana battle infant mortality and the Zionsville Boys & Girls Club purchase new basketball goals.
Every year, 600 Indiana babies die before their first birthday. That's the most importance reason (Dog's name) needs your votes in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. Please vote today.
The Zionsville Kiwanis members spent more than 300 volunteer hours at the Boone County vaccination clinic, registering arrivals, entering data, scheduling appointments, and ushering people through each station? That's one reason why I/our family am/is urging you to support (Dog's Name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest: to show appreciation for the Zionsville Kiwanis Club and its community involvement.
Indiana's infant mortality rate ranks 13th in the country? That's sad. We've entered our dog (Name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest to have a bit of fun, but we also want to help Riley Children's Foundation improve Indiana's infant survival rate! You can help too by voting for (dog's name). Thank you.
For several generations, many Zionsville kids have enjoyed playing basketball at the Boys & Girls Club. But the club's goals are getting old. One post no longer can be adjusted for the smaller children. That's why we entered our dog (Name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. Every $1 vote raises money that will be donated toward a new hoop and post. Help (dog's name) win the Coolest Dog contest AND give all kids a chance to hit their shots at the Boys & Girls Club basketball court. Thank you.
(Dog's name with apostrophe s) tail is wagging 100 times a minute. (We timed it!) She/He is so grateful for your support in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. We thank you. (Dog's name) thanks you.
Here's a not-so-secret secret: In the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest, you may vote as often as you like!
I remember fondly my days as a Key Club member, and I'm glad that the Zionsville Kiwanis Club continues to encourage service leadership in our community's youth. If you were a Key Club member or if you think it's a good idea to build tomorrow's service-minded leaders, vote for our dog, (Dog's name) in the Kiwanians' Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest.
Our cat (cat's name) pretends not to care, but she/he is so jealous, because (dog's name) is in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. She'll be purring a different tune if (dog's name) wins. Vote today (link) to restore peace in our home.
An average 465 kids pass through the Zionsville Boys & Girls Club doors every day. Lots of them play basketball. Think how frustrating it must be for the little ones who can't even hit the rim if the post can't be adjusted to their size. We appreciate your contributions on behalf of our (Dog's Name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest, but think how happy those kids will be when the club gets working adjustable basketball posts!
Every year, our local Kiwanis club sponsors the Zionsville High School Key Club, where these teen members learn how service is a primary component of leadership. That's one of the reasons I'm urging you to support the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest: to support the Zionsville Kiwanis Club's investment in our community's youth.
Suggested posts in the closing days of the contest. (Dog's name) is in the home stretch of the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. Urge her/him on with your votes (link) today.
(Dog's name) is in the home stretch of the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest, and she/he is (very close/halfway/about halfway) to our fundraising goal of $(amount). Your votes will help her/him to the finish line. Thank you.
(Post a photo of your dog's best begging eyes) Take one look at these eyes. Then vote generously for (Dog's name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. You'll make him/her very happy!
(Dog's name) may not make the top 10 in the Coolest Dog Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest, but it's been fun, and we appreciate everyone's support. And it's all for great causes; so, keep voting (link). Every vote helps children, like getting new basketball goals at the Boys & Girls Club and joining Riley's fight against infant mortality. Thank you for your support! Thank you. Thank you. (Dog's name) thanks you.
Suggested post after the contest ends. Thank you for supporting (dog's name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. He/she didn't make the top 10, but with your help, he/she made us proud. Plus, we helped raise money for some great causes. Wait 'til the next time!
Thank you for supporting (dog's name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. She/He won! She/He came in second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth/seventh/eighth/ninth/tenth and will receive a cool collection of prizes. More importantly, he/she raised a lot of money for the Boys & Girls Club's goal of buying a new basketball goal, Riley Children's Foundation's battle against infant mortality and many other great causes. Thank you. Thank you, everyone!
Twitter (#zvillecoolestdog)
Suggested posts to be used immediately or soon after you enter your dog in the contest. This will be fun! Our dog (Name) is in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. If he/she wins, his/her face will be on a can of Deviate Brewing beer. How cool is that! The contest is raising money for the Boys & Girls Club, Riley Children's Foundation and more. Vote for (dog's name) and help children too.
Suggested posts to be used during the contest.Indiana ranks 13th in the USA for infant mortality. That's shocking! You can help. Every vote for our (dog's name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest will help Riley Children's Foundation improve Indiana's infant survival rate.
Smaller kids can't shoot basketballs on one of the goals at the Zionsville Boys & Girls Club court because it no longer can be adjusted. Your votes may help our dog (name) win the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest, and it WILL help kids score with ease.
(Dog's name) has announced that if he/she wins, she'll/he'll proudly pose with each and every one of her/supporters for a selfie. Just be warned: His/her tail will be wagging like crazy.
Suggested posts to be used in the closing days of the contest. With only a few days left in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest, (dog's name) needs your help to stay at the top of the leaderboard. Thank you.
With only a few days left in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest, (dog's name) needs your help to reach the top of the leaderboard. Thank you.
With only a few days left in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest, help (dog's name) reach our fundraising goal. Vote today. Thank you.
Suggested post to be used after the contest ends. Thank you for supporting (dog's name) in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest. He/she didn't make the top 10, but with your help, he/she made us proud. Plus, we helped raise money for some great causes. Wait 'til the next time!
Guess what! We truly have a cool dog! (Dog's name) won/came in second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth/seventh/eighth/ninth/tenth in the Zionsville Coolest Dog Contest! More importantly, he/she helped raise a lot of money for the Boys & Girls Club, Riley Children's, and many other great causes. Thank you, everyone!