Imagine enjoying a cold Deviate Brewing-crafted beer that features your loyal dog's mug on the label.
It can happen! In fact, the whole Zionsville-area community could be toasting your dog before the end of the year.
Just enter the Zionsville Kiwanis Coolest Dog Contest and encourage your friends, family ... anyone and everyone ... to vote for your true-blue canine. The top dog will be featured on a new Deviate brew label, along with four runners-up. And our sponsors have provided numerous prizes for all top 10 vote-getters in this fun online contest. Plus, it's for great causes: children.
How cool is that?Good luck to all our cool dogs. Happy vote-hunting.
Why Are We Really Doing This?
Because children need our help
Yes, we want to have fun and we want to recognize some really cool pets, but there are bigger reasons for running the Zionsville Kiwanis Coolest Dog contest. We're raising money to help children at the Boys & Girls Club. We're raising money to help reduce infant mortality in Indiana. We're raising money to give students the opportunity to learn why service is an important attribute of leadership. And we're using the money to serve the children of our community, state, and the world.
Your entry and voting dollars will be donated to the Zionsville Boys & Girls Club, Riley Children's Hospital, Zionsville High School Key Club, and the Zionsville Middle School Aeries-Builders Club. And the Kiwanis Club of Zionsville will use some of the funds for its service programs and causes throughout Boone County and beyond.
Learn more about the Boys & Girls Club's need for new basketball goals, about Riley Children's Foundation's plan to improve infant survival rates and about the Zionsville Kiwanis Club on our
About Page.
Prize Packages
Prize packages will be awarded to the 10 dogs in order by highest number of total votes, and prizes will be awarded as follows.
- The first-place winning and Coolest Dog with the most votes will collect more than $600 in prizes, which will include a professional portrait image on the front label of a specially brewed Deviate Brewing craft beer named in their honor. They will receive six 4-packs of the beer and other great pet prizes from our sponsors.
- The second coolest dog's photo will also be shown on another area on the special brew's label and will receive four 4-packs of the brew and pet prizes for a total prize value over $425
- The third coolest dog's photo will also be shown on another area on the special brew's label and will receive three 4-packs of the brew and pet prizes for a total prize value over $325.
- The fourth coolest dog's photo will also be shown on another area on the special brew's label and will receive two 4-packs of the brew and pet prizes for a total prize value over $225.
- The fifth coolest dog's photo will also be shown on another area on the special brew's label and will receive one 4-pack of the brew and pet prizes for a total prize value over $175.
- The sixth coolest dog will receive pet prizes for a total prize value over $150
- The seventh coolest dog will receive pet prizes for a total prize value over $125
- The eighth coolest dog will receive pet prizes for a total prize value over $100
- The ninth coolest dog will receive pet prizes for a total prize value over $75
- The tenth coolest dog will receive pet prizes for a total prize value over $50.
Our prizes include DIY dog washes, gift cards, dog food, toys and even some amazing coffee beans for us humans. All from our generous sponsors.
Coolest Dog Challenge

Here is a photo of the First Dog of Zionsville, Diamond. Mayor Emily and Diamond send out a challenge to all canine owners: It's time to go for those delicious doggy prizes and help kids everywhere. I dare you to prove you are the coolest dog around. Good luck! | 
Hello, My name is Frank! My dad, Sherman, is the ‘Where is Sherman?' guy on Fox59 Morning News. I'm 10 years old. I love walks, peanut butter chew bones, eating and spending time with my sister, Lucy.
I'm excited to be a Celebrity Dog for the Zionsville Kiwanis Coolest Dog Contest! (don't tell Lucy, she'll be jealous.)
I am one cool dog, but if you think you're cooler, enter our Coolest Dog Contest. It supports a great cause. And be sure to vote for your favorite cool dog, dawgs! |
And know each of you contributed to help children in Boone County and beyond who desperately need our help. Thank You.