Voting Ends 2/28/2025 at 11:59:59 PM Yukon Time




357 votes

Entrant City

Pet's Bio
Ruger is 16 yr old Husky/Terrier cross that was born in the Mae Bachur Animal Shelter October 25th, 2009. In his lifetime he has won numerous Sourdough Rendezvous Howling Competitions and ultimately retired his Howling Career with a Lifetime Achievement award from the Feed Store/Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous.
He is a most loyal and protective K9 who on a few different occasions, protected his owners from very close bear encounters. Most recently he sustained two blows from a bears' heavy paw to ensure his owners could get away safely, and he trotted away shaken but unscathed. In his many year he has discovered his true love of cats and became best friends with Calvin the cat. He loves to run, swim, lick human feet and most of all, watch TV with his family.
He is a very good boy!

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Humane Society of Yukon
126 Tlingit St
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 6J2
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