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Hacienda Heights
Why is your dog a hero?
Hula is a protective dog that keeps me safe. Hula is a very smart dog that can walk of leash, do about 15 tricks, and is loose on the property with no fence. During these times Hula has cheered me up and kept me company. She is a rescue dog from San Clemente. She was found with 5 other puppies behind a dumpster. At first we didn’t know what breed she was. Hula turned out to be a Belgian Malinois. For Halloween she dressed up as a Hula girl. During quarantine she learned how to climb an avocado tree to help pick avocados for the local fireman. Every Tuesday she helps us take out the trash by picking up the cardboard boxes and taking them down the hill to the recycle bin. Hula also goes next door and checks on the neighbor. Hula is my hero because she protects me, cheers me up, and keeps me company.
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