Thank you for supporting our first annual Cutest Cat Photo Calendar Contest!!
Congratulations to our Cutest Cat Winner Tony Sly & Joey Cape, as well as our featured cats of the month!!
That's a wrap! Stay tuned for details on calendar pick ups and more, and until next year, let's keep saving more cats!
Is your cat the cutest? The silliest? The most glamorous? See if your cat has what it takes to nab a top spot in the first annual
Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions 2025 Cutest Cat Photo Calendar Contest. This year's winner will have their cat's glamour shot on the cover of the calendar. The next 12 cat cameo photos receiving the most votes will be featured as our Cat Of The Month for the 12 calendar months of 2025.
It's easy to participate! Submit your favorite photo of your cat, then encourage your family and friends to vote for your cat. All proceeds go to our mission of helping cats! Your entry includes
a free copy of the 2025 calendar that will be mailed to you by December 2024. Plus, all photo entries with
5 votes or more are
GUARANTEED inclusion in the calendar's kitty collage pages!
The contest opens for entries and votes at 10:00:00 AM (Pacific Time) on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 and ends at 10:00:00 PM (Pacific Time) on Friday, September 20, 2024. Entry submissions are $30 each and you can enter as many photos as you would like, featuring single or multiple cats. Votes are $1 each and you can vote as often as you would like (and we hope you'll vote often!).
Reserve a Day to Honor your Cat!
Want a guaranteed spot in the calendar? Reserve a day to honor your cat. Your cat's photo will appear on the day of your choice. Just choose the special day and donate! First come first serve! Once a date has been reserved, it will no longer be available. Note, this will not enter your cat in the donate-to-vote contest. Each day requires a $15 donation.
Reserve Your Day Here →Not the right time to enter the contest but want to make a donation to help Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions? Just Click this
link. Our work is supported through your donations, events, grants and fundraisers such as this Photo Calendar Contest. Thank you so much for your support!
All proceeds from entry costs, voting, and calendar sales will be used to support Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions mission. To learn more about Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions, and the work that we do, please visit our
About Us page.
About Us
Our History
Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions (Homeward Bound) was founded in 2007 as a foster-based rescue focused on finding homes for cats. For nearly 12 years, this small organization relied exclusively on volunteers to care for cats and complete adoptions at PetSmart and Petco stores. In 2019, Homeward Bound received funding to open its Flamingo Adoption Center and embarked on a transition from this foster-based structure. The 2,400 square foot facility allowed Homeward Bound to care for more cats and increase adoptions by providing a modern, free-roaming space to minimize stress, serve the individual needs of each cat, and set up both cats and adopters for success. To date, Homeward Bound has saved over 9,485 cats, including 968 cats in 2023.
Lifesaving Approach
Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support and resources to both cats and people in our community.
We are a no-kill adoption center dedicated to saving the lives of homeless cats in the Las Vegas Valley and providing a humane recourse for people in distress who are no longer able to care for their cats—offering an alternative to taking them to a municipal shelter or abandoning them in the streets.
Homeward Bound works to achieve its mission through adoption, foster, and help desk services, together with community outreach and collaboration with other animal welfare organizations. Our modern, free-roaming adoption center is designed to minimize the stress experienced by homeless cats, increase enrichment, and make it easier for them to find loving homes.
Homeward Bound respects and values the life of every cat, and strives to enrich the lives of our volunteers, employees, and visitors by providing a quality workplace, up-to-date humane education, and compassionate care for our cats.
This contest is open to any US resident 18 years or older. Your photo does not have to be of a cat adopted through Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions. Photos must either feature cat(s) owned by the entrant, OR the entrant must have permission from the cat's owner to submit their cat's image.
All entries are required to list:
- Cat/kitten name
- Owners complete name, phone, email and address
- T-shirt size
- One picture of cat(s) per entry. No collages. Your photo may contain more than one cat however, it is highly desired that photos focus on one cat or kitten only.
- People are not allowed in your photo, though the image may contain another companion pet in addition to the featured cat.
Entries may be submitted from opening of contest at 10:00:00 AM (Pacific Time) on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 until 10:00:00 PM (Pacific Time) on Friday, September 20, 2024.
Photos need to be in a JPEG, JPG, PNG or GIF format, although JPEG/JPG is the preferred form. Ideally, the original photo should be no smaller than 3648 pixels X 2736 pixels @ 72 dpi, but preferably 300 dpi
Photos need to be submitted via the contest website submission form. Sorry, we cannot accept hard copies.
All submitted photos are subject to review by Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions for inappropriate /offensive content.
Once a photo is submitted, it will appear in the online contest gallery and may be shared out on Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions website, email and print marketing platforms, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram Pages.
All entries must be the original work of the entrant. You must own the copyright to the photograph.
Photos must either feature cats owned by the entrant, OR the entrant must have permission from the pet's owner to submit their pet's image.
We cannot accept copyrighted professional photos or any photos that have been digitally manipulated or altered.
Once entered, photos become the property of Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions and may be used for online, print, and marketing purposes.
We reserve the right to decline publication of any photography for any reason.
Each vote is $1 and counts for 1 vote. There is no limit to the number of votes you may cast, but you must cast a minimum of 5 votes at a time for a minimum charge of $5. You may vote for your own photo and you may spread your votes across multiple cats. There is no limit to the amount of votes you can cast.
Contest payments are made online through a secure site.
We encourage you to email the contest link to family and friends and encourage them to vote for your entry.
All votes will be displayed on the contest website in real time. All votes received before 10:00:00 PM (Pacific Time) on Friday, September 20, 2024 will be honored. The leaderboard results are official.
The top vote winner at the conclusion of the contest will have the distinct honor of gracing the cover of our
2025 Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions Calendar and receive a Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions Cat Cameo Champion T-Shirt. The next 12 top vote recipients will become Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions Monthly Calendar Cats for each of the remaining calendar months for 2025. And as a bonus, all cats with 5 votes or more will be
GUARANTEED inclusion on the calendar photo collage pages.
Contest winners may need to re-submit their photo to Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions as a high resolution (large file), print quality image. Ideally, the original photo should be no smaller than 3648 pixels X 2736 pixels @ 72 dpi, but preferably 300 dpi. If the photo is too small, it will be disqualified for use in the calendar due to printing constraints or a new photograph will be required and must be delivered to Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions within 1 week after contest close.
Miscellaneous Info
Donations are non-refundable and fully tax-deductible as permitted by law. Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
By participating in this contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions and each of their officers, directors, representatives, volunteers and agents (the Released Parties) from and against any claims of any nature arising out of participation in the contest or receipt or use of any prize.
The contest is subject to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited.
Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions reserves the right to modify or clarify any of the contest rules during the term of the contest without advance notice.
What does it cost to enter?
The contest entry fee is $30 per photo. This fee gives you one copy of the full-color calendar (a $20 value), which will be mailed to your preferred address by December 2024. You are welcome to make an additional donation during the entry process, with each dollar counting as one vote. All proceeds from the contest will directly benefit the lifesaving programs of Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions.
How many photos can I enter?
You can enter as many cat photos as you wish! Each photo entry is $30.
How many votes are needed for my cat to be featured in the 2025 calendar?
With our annual calendar, we seek to celebrate the beautiful diversity of our compassionate supporters' amazing cats. The cat who receives the highest number of votes will have the distinct honor of gracing the cover of our 2025 calendar. The person whose cat receives the most overall votes will also get a Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions Cat Cameo Champion T-shirt.
The next 12 top vote recipients will become Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions Monthly Calendar Cats for each of the remaining calendar months for 2025.
In addition, we will spotlight all cat photo entries with
5 votes or more a
GUARANTEED inclusion on the calendar collage pages. All proceeds from contest entries and votes will help us provide shelter and life-saving care for the homeless cats in our foster program and at the Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions Rescue Center.
Reserve a Day to Honor your Cat!
Want a guaranteed spot in the calendar? Reserve a specific date to honor your cat! Your cat's photo will appear on the date of your choice. Just choose your favorite photo, the date, and donate! This opportunity is first-come, first-served. Note: This will not enter your cat in the donate-to-vote contest; it is an additional opportunity. You can enter your cat in the contest as well if you prefer.
How do I vote for a cat's picture?
Votes are $1 each, with a minimum donation of $5 for five votes. All votes are tax-deductible. You can also vote for your own cat's photo as many times as you and your friends and family wish! All proceeds from contest entries and votes will help us provide life-saving care for the homeless cats who come into Homeward Bound Cat Adoptions.
When does voting close?
Voting closes at 10:00:00 PM (Pacific Time) on Friday, September 20, 2024. Remember that your clock may differ slightly from the clock that determines the official end time, so we recommend submitting your final votes with at least 5-10 minutes to spare.
How do I know if I won?
The thirteen winners will be announced via email or phone call. You can also regularly check the
leaderboards to see your cat's vote tally.
When will I get my calendar?
We will mail the 2025 calendars in November 2024; you should receive yours by December 2024.