Voting Ends 12/1/2024 at 9:00:00 PM Eastern Time

Arlo & Ziva

Arlo & Ziva

Arlo & Ziva

120 votes

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A little about me...
Both of these sweeties are rescues. Arlo from the Highland Humane Society 2 years ago when he was found in a crate in the middle of the woods with 2 other dogs in bad shape. Arlo was given 3 months to live in Oct 2022 and 2 years later he is still here.

Ziva is our beloved pitbull who passed away this year at 16 years old. We adopted her in 2014 when her photo was passed around because she was on the euthanasia list for no other reason than no one would choose her because she was “scary” looking. She didn’t scare us and we adopted her. Ziva was the best of her breed her whole life. She cared for orphaned puppies, she snuggled with scared foster dogs, she taught dogs how to play with her and people to not be so afraid of pitbulls. She even donated blood once to try and save a dog who needed a transfusion. No one met Ziva without falling in love with her. People competed to be the one to keep her when we went on vacation. There will never be another girl like our Ziva.

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Highland Humane Society
PO Box 471
Hillsboro, OH 45133
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