prizes are generously donated by Brooklyn Bunny ( The 1
st, 2
nd, and 3
rd prize winners each receive a Brooklyn Bunny "Roebling Self-Pootrait" t-shirt and a "Shodo Lepus" tote, a $50 value for each winner.
Contest Rules for Healthy Happy Rabbit Photo Contest:
- Submissions should show what it means to be a healthy happy rabbit! Examples are rabbits who are well cared for inside your home, rabbits who are provided healthy food to eat, rabbits in a safe environment, rabbits getting a yearly check up with their favorite veterinarian, and rabbits who enjoy playing with stimulating toys! Use your imagination and show us how YOUR rabbit is healthy and happy!
- You can submit as many entries as you like!
- Photos that depict rabbits in poor or unsafe conditions that don't align with House Rabbit Society philosophy will not be accepted.