Welcome to Illinois Birddog Rescue's
Have A Heart 4 Calendar contest. This contest is dedicated to all the dogs we bring into the program that are struggling with heartworms, tick-borne disease and other serious health problems. Each year we bring in many dogs that need extra care due to neglect and this year has brought us many new dogs and puppies in need. Our cover dogs
English Setter Lord Palmerston,
Senior Pointer Madison and
mixed breed Cosette all have heartworm disease and tick borne disease. Lord came in from an over-crowded shelter in Kentucky as did Madison. He also has a heart murmur which made his surgery for some serious dental disease scary and complicated. Little Cosette was on death row in an over-crowded shelter in Southern Illinois and she came in cover in ticks and sadly with a broken leg that caused her much pain. All are currently in our Heartworm Slow Kill program and doing well.

Funds raised from
Have A Heart 4 will help us with the continued care of these dogs and many of the dogs in our program fighting tick borne disease. Cost to help any of these dogs can be in the hundreds and we have a few more special needs dog in our program including senior
English Setter Precious who is having major surgery soon. In the past few contests- we have had many amazing photo submissions and are so grateful for the support. I set our goal at $10,621 with the hopes that we can reach the amount we raised last year plus $1 so that we can continue to help these special dogs and also so many more dogs. We really appreciate your help!
GRAND PRIZE WINNER- the photo entry with the most votes/donation
- A $500 Gift Certificate to PaintYourLife.com for a custom portrait. This is the best prize ever, so many talented artists through this site take your photo submission of your pet or family and create a beautiful portrait.

- Winning photo will also be the cover of the Have a Heart 4 Calendar Contest and an insert into the calendar.
2nd - 12th place Dogs
- Second through twelfth place winners win the eleven other coveted monthly calendar cover pages and a squeaky toy.

Bonus Prize
- All contestants that raise $300 or more will be entered into a raffle to win the following prizes.

Here are last year's winners on