The Art League of Ocean City is launching their Global Travel Photo Contest, running from October 2024 to March 2025. The world’s largest billfish tournament, White Marlin Open, is sponsoring this amazing opportunity. The contest will be open to all to participate. By entering, your photos will be viewed by members and supporters of the Art League of Ocean City. Reaching nearly 20,000 visitors just this year, your potential for new followers is immense. Plus all those that watch and join in on the festivities and competition of the White Marlin Open fishing tournament with 3,000 anglers and thousands more event attendees.
White Marlin Open will be providing the grand prize of $1,000 cash as well as the potential to choose a select number of images to be featured on screen during its very own competition. Given White Marlin Open’s alignment with the theme of world scale adventure, this collaboration emphasizes the spirit of discovery, showcasing the connection between travel and the natural environment. The Global Travel Photo Contest encourages participants to capture and share the awe-inspiring moments that connect people globally, whether through the thrill of sportfishing or the art of photography.
The Art League of Ocean City is an economic driver, cultural hub, and tourism attraction for the Delmarva area. ALOC offers a variety of community programs, including free afterschool art programs for public schools in some of the most underserved areas of Worcester County. This contest is another effort to raise awareness and funds to support these critical programs, while also celebrating the art of photography. You could be part of that effort!
We invite you to submit, compete, and share your image and this opportunity with your friends and family both far and near.
Entry fee is $10
Cost to vote is $1
Grand Prize:
$1,000 prize awarded to the entry with highest number of votes.
Runner up Prize:
Runner up to be gifted a Photo Retreat opportunity in Ocean City Maryland and an Art League of Ocean City membership.
Open to all global travel photography. Artist must be 18 years or older to submit original artwork for consideration. Work must be created in the past three years and never before shown at an Art League judged show.
Contest Details:
Contest will be displayed on digital monitors at the Art League of Ocean City's First Friday Opening Reception on April 4 from 5-7 p.m. The winning piece will also be highlighted at the April Opening Reception at the Art League, where the artist will have the opportunity to sell their work. Special pieces may be selected to be featured on screens at the White Marlin Open - the World’s Largest Billfish Tournament.
Deadline to Enter:
4:00:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Saturday, March 15, 2025
Exhibit Dates:
Online through Sat. March 15, then on monitors at the Ocean
City Center for the Arts on Fri. April 4, 5-7pm
Entry Fee:
$10 per photo
Entries open starting Thurs. Oct. 31st