"Get Going with Literacy" is an Online Fundraising Contest to raise funds for Project Literacy COS, a literacy charity in British Columbia. Project Literacy provides free literacy support services and programs. It is holding this photo/video contest in celebration of its' 35
th year of helping adults, children, families, immigrants, and new Canadians improve their literacy skills, so they can have a better life.
ubmissions and voting start Monday, March 22, 22021 and will continue to to midnight Saturday, April 24, 2021What you need to do:Create a photo or TikTok video around something you love to do. Almost any activity we do involves some form of literacy. If you like to cook, this involves
food literacy, if you like yoga, this is
physical literacy, if you like music, this is
musical literacy, if you like to grow vegetables or flowers, this requires knowledge of plants and growing conditions (
gardening literacy), if you like to dance, this is
cultural literacy (every culture has a unique dance style). Be creative and create a photo or video, which inspires others to vote for your entry!
How to enter:
- Complete a registration form by clicking 'Enter Contest' at the top right of the screen
- If you are under 18 year of age, you must have the permission from a parent or guardian and the account (registration) must be in their name
- Once your account is set up, add your Photo or TikTok video link to your entry form
- Complete the entry form and submit it for approval
- It may take several hours for your entry to be approved and added to the site
TikTok and Photo Guidelines:
- To submit a Photo create a unique Photo and add it to your entry form.
- To submit a video;
- Create a unique video or TikTok
- Take a screen shot of your video and save it as a photo
- Upload the screen-shot in the photo section of the entry form
- Insert your video link in the video section of the entry form
- Once you've added your video or TikTok link, complete an entry form.
- Your first name, title of your Photo or TikTok, category of literacy, and city where you live will be shown on your entry.
- To support your entry, people will buy a $2.00 donation (vote). Your friends and family can buy as many votes as they like!
- The top 14 photos and videos will be shown on the contest website
- The competition is open to anyone in Canada.
- Project Literacy reserves the right to disqualify any entry based on objectionable content in the submission*
The Photo and TikTok video with the most votes at the end of the contest, wins a prize!
- The Grand prize for best TikTok video: A brand new PlayStation 5 console.

- The Grand Prize for the best photo: A Earls dine out gift card for four. Good anywhere in Canada!

- People's Choice award for most creative photo or video.