Entry Category:
Cutest Cat
Entrant's NameTaylor
City and StateNorcross GA
Pet's StoryHorus’ story starts when he was found in the North Georgia mountains by two amazing people! At first they did not know what he was, as he was small, pink, and had no fur! He eventually was rescued by TLC Humane Society in Dahlonega where I worked at the time. He was very very hungry! I got to feed him and nurture him back to health. That’s when our bond was created and I knew we could not separate! He now has a fur brother and a nice warm home:) he is one of the craziest, silliest cats you can meet. His special skills include eating, jumping up on my shoulder and perch like a bird, snuggling, and taking naps.
Why my pet should winLook at him! Isn’t he the cutest baby ever? Some say he looks weird, but I say he has the cutest kitty face in the whole world (even without whiskers).