Entry Category:
Angel Pet
Entrant's NameMarlin
City and StateDahlonega, GA
Pet's StoryMei-Li was a loyal companion for more than 15 years. When we first met she as introduced on a picture that my brother in Alabama sent as we were told that "he found our dog" . Needless to say that the picture was a little black ball of fur and your could not see her head or tail. When my wife and I went to Alabama to pick her up, Mei-Li ran straight to my wife was immediately adopted into our family. Mei-Li was a Shih-Tsu
Why my pet should winIf there was ever an Angel dog, it was Mei-Li. She was a best animal friend for her entire 15 years. However, when we introduced her and Bruno, our 160 pound Great Pyrenees- she immediately staked her boundaries and did not take any "gruf" from Bruno. She is sorely missed. She will also be waiting for me with Bruno at the Rainbow Bridge.