Entry Category:
Cutest Cat
Entrant's NameJudi
City and StateDahlonega, GA
Pet's StoryLenny came with our house, or rather, our neighborhood. No one seems to know whom Lenny owned before he owned us. He showed up in our driveway occasionally and looked (very) well fed, but eventually he became a permanent fixture. We added him to our feeding schedule, and soon he brought two kittens along to partake of our generosity. We think he's their Daddy, but he's not admitting to anything. We took steps to prevent additional siblings from arriving and now Lenny and the kids are ensconced indoors. He rules the house, and as you can see, serves as the official bookkeeping assistant to Dahlonega Sunrise Rotary's treasurer.
Why my pet should winLenny is a survivor. He cares for the humans in our household, along with all the other four-legged creatures (two large dogs and five other felines). After all his years on the street, he remains sweet and loving. He's a great bookkeeper even if he does leave a bit of fur on the keyboard. He also bears a striking resemblance to a certain cat named Winston Churchill, but we won't hold that against him!