Entry Category:
Cutest Cat
Entrant's NameDiane
City and StateCleveland, GA
Pet's StoryWe adopted Coco from TLC Animal Shelter earlier this year. He chose us first, and our hearts just followed. We fell in love with him and he is the sweetest little boy. We found out a few weeks after adopting him that he has an enlarged heart and will likely have a short life span and may need special medical care along the way. We call Coco “the kitten with the big heart”. ❤️ 💔
Why my pet should winHe is just as sweet as he is cute. He is a professional beggar, because he has the ability to stare you down with those adorable eyes until he gets what he wants. Sometimes it’s a scratch or sometimes it’s a belly rub. He’s a good big brother to our younger adopted kitten, Firefly.