Entry Category:
Angel Pet
Entrant's NameTucker
City and StateDahlonega, GA
Pet's StoryTucker was abused as a puppy. He was chained to tree and left outdoors for the 1st year and a half of his life. Great Danes, are not designed for cold. They have short hair and they love people. They also need a lot of food (4-5 cups a day). He was not given enough food and was starving when he was rescued by a neighbor who took him to the no-kill shelter were we found him. From the moment I saw him, I knew he had to be part of our family. For 6 years we were blessed to share our lives with this funny, loving, and loyal soul. We lost him far too soon to a rare intestinal disorder on July 6th, 2023.
Why my pet should winDespite the abuse and near starvation he suffered in his early years, Tucker loved people. He was gentle with children and loving with adults. He liked to sit on the couch (like a person, butt on the couch and front paws on the floor), play with his toys, and make us laugh. He would prance, pounce, and pose ... and do a half-dozen tricks. We've been blessed to have many wonderful four-legged members of our family but there will never be another Tucker.