Entry Category:
Cutest Dog
Entrant's NameBill Halderson
City and StateDahlonega, GA
Pet's StoryHi, my name is Jackson and I’m 8 years old. One of my parents is a miniature poodle, and the other is anyone’s guess. I lived near Charlotte, NC for more than 6 years with my original family. I loved my family, and they loved me. However, I am allergic to almost everything, including beef. My family kept taking me to the vet where I got shots to stop the itching and my enflamed red skin. But it became so expensive that they had to give me up to the humane society. Luckily, I was saved by a rescue group and my new family drove from Dahlonega to Charlotte to take me home. I remember the ride home, lying on the lap of my new mommy and feeling sad. Now I have a new vet who knows how to treat my allergies and the treatment is working well. My skin and coat are healthy now and I don’t itch anymore. I’m a happy guy and playful again. I love my new family and they love me. I love being in the North Georgia mountains and enjoy all the sights and smells of the Dahlonega square. I think I’m cute and I hope you think so too!
Why my pet should winHe's just a joy and the cutest small rescue dog in North Georgia!