Entry Category:
Cutest Dog
Entrant's NameKaitlyn
City and StateBall Ground, GA
Pet's StoryHi!
My name is Jesko Vom Kappel but you can just call me Jesko! My name means “the brave one” and I am a brave little boy. I am a long haired German Shepherd and came into this world on August 8th of this year. I was born in Cleburne, TX which is just outside of Dallas.
My humans brought me home on October 24th and I have been the best little boy. I have a 7-year-old brother, Clyde, who is a German Shorthaired Pointer and I already love him so so so much. I love to follow Clyde around everywhere he goes and watch everything he does so I can grow up to be just like him. I also love to follow my humans everywhere they go because I have to make sure they are safe! Although I’ve only been with my new family for about a week now, I can already tell that I bring them so much joy and I will continue to leave paw prints on their hearts!
I love North Georgia!!! 🍁🍑
Why my pet should winI would love to win because my mommy and daddy would be SO excited for me and they would tell everyone that they know. I also know my big brother would be so proud of me and I love making him proud because I want to be just like him when I grow up. So please vote for me and all of my fluffiness! Now I have to go play with Clyde and chew on my million toys because I’m teething!
Jesko ❤️🧸