Entry Category:
Angel Pet
Entrant's NameRebecca Woodward Varner
City and StateDahlonega, GA
Pet's StoryAbigail lived large during her 15+ years (1997 - 2013). She was born in Massachusetts as the runt and sassiest of her litter. The shelter felt she was not-adoptable but let me adopt her anyways since there were no children or other dogs in the home. She was a handful until she turned 4 and then was a sweet, fun, loving, energetic little dog. We were inseparable, she went everywhere with me - the grocery store, to visit friends & family, roadtrips to the lake in northern WI, etc. She loved laying in the backyard soaking up the sun, playing with her toys, and chewing on her bones. Most of all she loved snuggles and eating (what dog doesn't). Her favorite game to play was she would sit on the back of the couch and wait for someone to walk by then launch herself at them. I was so good at catching the flying Abigail that I could catch her in one hand, have hot coffee in the other, and keep walking. She was pure fun & love and is missed everyday.
Why my pet should winJust look at that face, who wouldn't love that face?