Entry Category:
Cutest Dog
Entrant's NameBonnie
City and StateDawsonville, GA
Pet's StoryMy name is Bonnie Belle and I live with my People Mom and Dad, who love and spoil me so much. I enjoy walks in the park, sleeping on the big bed, taking rides in the car, and trying to catch those pesky squirrels that invade MY yard. My favorite past time (when I am not napping on the couch) is to rip the squeaker out of every toy. Consequently, I have a lot of flat toys without squeakers or stuffing. My Mom said to tell you that every vote for me will help her Rotary Club help hundreds of people in Lumpkin County....and I am awfully cute.
Why my pet should winThis is Bonnie's third Rotary Cutest Pet Contest that she has entered. She was happy that Ozzie won last year, but she believes that this is HER year. Let's make this adorable white Scottie this year's Cutest Pet in North Georgia.