Voting Ends 10/24/2024 at 12:00:00 PM Eastern Time

The Story

Below is the draft story we will be basing the final story on. It will change according to the animals that win, to incorporate their adorable personalities and traits. We can't wait to see all the winners come to life in the pages of the book.


The Curious Case of Buddy's Disappearance 

In a cozy neighbourhood in London Ontario, where the gardens bloomed and the sidewalks were perfect for afternoon strolls, there lived a group of doggy friends. There was Rusty the playful retriever, Pepper the excitable terrier, and Daisy the gentle old bulldog. But the wisest of them all was Buddy, a clever Labrador who wore a special vest.

You see, Buddy was no ordinary dog. He was a certified service dog, always by the side of his young human, Tommy. Buddy knew all sorts of important things, like how to fetch Tommy's medicine or when to alert Tommy's parents if something wasn't quite right.

One sunny morning, Rusty bounded out to play, but Buddy wasn't in his usual spot in Tommy's front yard. Pepper sniffed around, but there was no trace of their friend. Even Daisy, who usually napped through the excitement, opened one eye with concern.

"Where could Buddy be?" woofed Rusty. "This isn't like him at all," yapped Pepper. "We must find him," Daisy grumbled, slowly getting to her paws.

The dogs set off on an adventure through the neighbourhood, checking all of Buddy's favourite spots. They looked in the park where squirrels chattered, peeked into the ice cream shop where kind Mrs. Johnson sometimes offered doggy treats, and even circled the pond where ducks quacked indignantly at their presence.

But Buddy was nowhere to be found.

As the sun began to set, the dogs trudged home, tails drooping. That's when they overheard Tommy's father talking to a neighbour.

"We've been at the children's hospital," he said, sounding tired. "Tommy's condition took a turn, but Buddy's been right there with him. Such a good dog."

The next day, Rusty, Pepper, and Daisy gathered to plan.

"Buddy's doing his job," woofed Rusty. "So we should do ours!" "But what can we do?" Pepper tilted his head. Daisy's wrinkly face broke into a doggy grin. "We'll help Tommy's family while they're away."

And so began Operation Doggy Duty. Rusty fetched the morning paper, carefully carrying it to the front porch. Pepper kept a watchful eye on the house, barking importantly whenever the mail truck rumbled by. Daisy, moving as quickly as her old bones allowed, waddled after stray leaves in the yard, keeping things tidy.

Days passed, and the neighbours began to notice. They smiled at the sight of different dogs taking turns to pick up the paper or chase away the cheeky squirrels from the bird feeder.

Finally, one bright afternoon, a car pulled into Tommy's driveway. Out came Tommy, looking tired but smiling, with Buddy right by his side. The other dogs rushed to greet their friend, tails wagging furiously.

Buddy looked at the tidy yard, the pile of neatly delivered papers, and his doggy friends. His tail wagged slowly, and if dogs could smile, Buddy's face would have lit up like the sun.

That evening, as the neighbourhood settled into a peaceful quiet, four dogs lay on Tommy's porch. Buddy told tales of the big building with the funny smells, where brave children got better. The others shared stories of their adventures in doggy duty.

As stars twinkled overhead, they all knew that no matter what happened, they would always be there for each other. Because that's what true friends do, whether they walk on two legs or four.

The End.

Drawing of potential characters in the book.

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Children's Health Foundation
345 Westminster Ave
London, ON N6C 4V3
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