Voting Ends 10/24/2024 at 12:00:00 PM Eastern Time




10 votes

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Your Pet's Story
Our Abby has been with us since she was 8 weeks old. She is now 14 1/2 years old and still loving life. She’s always been happy and loves to smile. She has a little brother named Chance, and he is a golden retriever who is bonded to his sister. He is turning 12 years old next week. Abby was one of 13 puppies born by emergency c-section and she was the runt. Believe it or not, she has always been a calm, loving and gentle dog which is often uncommon for her breed. As she ages, we are realizing that she won’t be here forever and we just can’t imagine life without her. She is a joy to all that knows her.

Vote for Abby

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Children's Health Foundation
345 Westminster Ave
London, ON N6C 4V3
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