Fundraising Goal
Entry Category:
Entrant's First NameKitty Kat Haven & Rescue
Pet's Age2 years
Name of Rescue or Shelter (if adopted)Kitty Kat Haven & Rescue
Pet's Story or BioWas just 4 weeks old when transferred from Chattahoochee Humane Society. They were going to euthanize them because was going to be over a weekend and no one to bottle feed them. Terribly sick as a kitten. Missed that "kitten window" of adoption while we worked on him getting healthy. His tummy troubles persisted. Because he had those issues he tended to bounce from foster to foster. Until finally coming to haven. He was seen by Auburn vet school, they determined that he had a birth defect affecting his ability to control his bowels if he was ever sick. We have seen him overcome this and as his tummy has matured his issues are less and less. And we think on a special diet would be nonexistent. He loves everyone equally