BE KIND Sign Designs & KindNotes - Students in grades 3 and up, including college students, from the Westminster area submit a sign design and/or KindNotes for consideration prior to the stroll. Designers of chosen designs are invited to paint a sign to display in Downtown Westminster merchant locations during the Kindness Stroll. KindNotes are chosen at random to be displayed as well. We encourage our stroll artists to donate their stroll art to local schools/teachers at the end of the stroll.
Voting To Donate - Anyone old enough to use a valid online payment method may participate in voting for the sign(s) of their choice through this website. Each vote costs $1 and there is a minimum $5 donation to start voting. Vote donations are shared by Action For Kindness with designated nonprofit partners. Voting begins at 12:00:00 AM (Eastern Time) on Monday, August 19, 2024 and ends at 10:00:00 AM (Eastern Time) on Sunday, September 29, 2024.
Winners - This is a fundraiser that benefits 7 local nonprofit organizations. So no matter how many votes are cast as donations, it all stays local to support the community and everyone wins! With that said, if you really want to cheer on and support a specific nonprofit partner so they raise as much as possile during this fundraiser, go for it!