Westminster's Kids Lead The Way
Welcome to the Action For Kindness Fundraiser!
58 Student painted signs are featured in 25 Downtown Westminster merchant windows
Maps are available at two Info Stations:
71 W. Main St (next to RockSalt Grille)
45 E. Main St (across from the library)
Stroll around to VOTE for your favorites!
Each Vote is $1
Supporting 7 Nonprofits:
BEFORE YOU STROLL & VOTE we encourage you to load your Vote Bank on this website.
Although you can vote on individual signs as a guest, banking votes allows you to make a donation so the votes can be split among multiple student signs.
Bank Votes Click Here"View Entries & Vote" button takes you to see and vote for the creative artwork of our students!
Remember... When you see a sign, pause to take a deep breath in, let it out, and relax in that moment to be kind to yourself. That's where kindness starts.
SHARE SHARE SHARE with friends and family to help inspire kindness and support local community organizations! 🙂 -- More info is at ActionForKindness. org -- Thank you!