The funds raised from our
Have A Heart Calendar Contest will benefit the many dogs in our foster program affected by heartworm and tick borne disease complications. We are a huge proponent of heartworm slow kill treatment and our program is
very successful.
The dogs in our program currently are featured in the hearts of our promo banner and this contest is dedicated to Clancy- a Pointer that has struggled for 2 years with several complicated health issues due to her heartworm disease and co infections. The medical expenses to help one of these dogs with vetting discounts if the dog is negative at the 12 month mark can run as high as $1,000 with the cost of the following:
- Heartworm test $25
- CBC/Chem $100
- 371 Tick Panel $130
- Spay/Neuter $100
- Medications and Heartguard $200
We currently have 9 dogs going through this treatment plan, including Clancy.
GRAND PRIZE WINNER- the photo entry with the most votes/donations:
- Donated to Illinois Birddog Rescue by adopters Peggy Morsch and Kathy Herson, the first place winner with the most votes for their pet's photo in our Contest wins a 7-10 day/night stay at this beautiful Smyrna Beach Condo in Florida. Available dates are Mid- September through the 1st week in December 2016, then April 15 - all of May 2017. This does not include airfare or transportation. (prize is valued at $750- $1,000)
Click here for more details »
- Winning photo will be the cover of the Have a Heart Calendar Contest and an insert into the calendar.
- Winner also receives a bottle of Bird Dog Whiskey.

2nd - 12th place Dogs:
- Second through twelfth place winners win the other coveted monthly calendar cover pages.
- Winners also receive a bottle of Bird Dog Whiskey.