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Phenix City Alabama
Tell voters something fun or interesting about the dog in the photo. Is this a WRS dog or rescued from another organization? If so, when was it adopted? Share something special that we could include on our calendar if your photo wins.
This is our boy Goose! He is currently 11 months old with a BIG goofy personality which we love! He enjoys car rides, playing in his splash pad, whip cream and ALL tennis balls!! He will stop everything, including refusing a treat to play and fetch with a tennis ball instead! He is considered a Mark of the Hound Weimaraner, which is the reason you notice his tan markings! He's a typical Weim with high energy, who loves to nook on his stuffed animals and snuggle with his humans! He also enjoys giving kisses to his big Weimaraner Sister Esme'!
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