Macy Etnyre
Macy Etnyre
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Owner's Name
Allison Etnyre
City and State
Boise, ID
Tell voters something fun or interesting about the dog in the photo. Is this a WRS dog or rescued from another organization? If so, when was it adopted? Share something special that we could include on our calendar if your photo wins.
I was adopted from the Idaho Humane Society and I was in their first Inmate Dog Alliance Project of Idaho (IDAPI) training program 11 years ago. I am 13 years old now. I am a therapy dog at my mom's office and as a volunteer at the local hospital. I have been an athlete in agility and I have recently retied from that sport (well, I still do the tunnels because I love them!). This year I won the Grand Supreme Title in a pageant for a fundraiser event.
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