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My city...Pasadena
A little about me...My mommee found me on Craigslist when I was 8 weeks old and I'm so glad because she and my unkees have made my life the best it can possibly be!
They had 2 types of DNA tests done on me and both say I am a mix of Miniature Poodle (50%), Long Haired Chihuahua (25%), and Cocker Spaniel (17%). How fun is that?? I'm a Poochicock!!
They even trained me so I am extra smart - thanks in part to my Poodleness! I know some American Sign Language signs (sit, lie down, and speak), how to heel and perform many other tricks including ringing my doggee bell that is across the room when they ask me to. I'm not going to lie... I actually understand way more English than they think I do, but I do think they're beginning to notice. I'm 100% reliable at guarding their food, and performing my human dishes pre-rinsing duties after they finish with them. I'm quick and efficient!
On 12/12/2020, I will turn 4 years old... already! In human years, that's 28 years! Whoa!
I love EVERYBODY and don't hide that fact! Although I get a bit distracted with other animals around. I'm not very fond of my mommee loving on other dogs/animals, but eventually give in and allow it for a limited time.
My favorite thing to do is attacking my mommee and unkees with love every time they come home. They have no choice but to endure it. Poor things!