The top thirteen voted photos will be determined as winners of this GoGoPhoto Contest. They will then be placed into the Greyhound Puparazzi Calendar Contest representing each month. The top voted photo may choose to have their photo displayed on the cover and also included within the calendar as well! The rest of the top 13 will be featured inside the calendar representing one of the months. All photo placements must be approved by the fundraiser committee.
Top Winner based on votes:
- Your winning photo featured on either the cover of the 2025 Calendar or representing one of the calendar months.
- A copy of the 2025 WAG Calendar
2nd – 13th place Winners based on votes:
- Your winning photo featured in the calendar representing one of the calendar months. If the top vote getter opts to have their picture featured as a month, then the fundraising committee may opt to select a photo from this pool to be featured on the calendar cover.
- A copy of the 2025 WAG Calendar
Example of a few months from 2024's calendar!