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TBone was returned to the shelter twice before I adopted him. He had a few behavioral issues but a very sweet personality. Early into bringing him home, I brought him to my volunteer session at the VEA. I thought I would just leave him in the car (it was a cool fall day) and he could enjoy smelling the new smells. It became apparent that he wanted to get OUT and see where those new smells were coming from. When I brought him out, Diablo, one of the rescues who all would probably agree also has a few behavioral issues but a very sweet personality, immediately came over to the fence. You could see an immediate connection. I think that their connection is the reason Diablo has allowed me to work with him so closely - he figured if his buddy likes me that he would too. Ever after TBone has accompanied me to my weekly VEA visits and always goes to see his favorite horse.....my D and T - two peas in a pod :)
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