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Pet’s rescue story in 500 words or less
Who knows what Jemi’s life was like before I met her in the summer of 2020. I was just starting what I thought was a months long road trip from Florida to the western US and had already driven over 8 hours before I got on a highway south of Birmingham, AL. The sun was low and the traffic (luckily) sparse when I spotted a dog in the middle of my lane. Her head was low and she barely moved as I slowed down and switched lanes to avoid her. Of course I had to pull over.
Safely parked on the shoulder I looked back in horror to see a truck heading towards the dog. That’s when she finally moved from the highway to the scrub. I breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed a camping rope and a sleeve of ritz crackers that my father insisted on sending with me, and slowly walked back to where I saw her leave the highway. I was hoping she was heading home but there was a wildlife fence blocking her way into the woods and I couldn’t see any openings. The sun was setting and I was just about to give up when I saw her head pop out of some low bushes. Giving her lots of room I maneuvered between her and the highway so I wouldn’t scare her back onto the road. She just kept staring at me with curiosity and I spoke softly to her so she wouldn’t run. As I got closer I could tell she was so thin you could see every rib and she was covered in ticks and ants. She ate every ritz cracker I tossed to her. Eventually I got close enough to touch her and get the rope around her. She never once made a move to run or back away just kept the curious gaze. I was able to get her back to my van and she curled up and shut her eyes.
First stop, the local small-town police station to give them the story and my contact info. Next I was able to find a 24-hour vet to scan for a chip, get a general check up, and hopefully get a recommendation for a reputable rescue. No chip, no rescue, but at about midnight we left with food, tick medication, and a hotel room. I called her Jemi after Jemison, AL (her suspected hometown). Jemi traveled with me all the while I was looking for a rescue that I could feel comfortable leaving her. I went through lost pet websites daily and just couldn’t believe that someone wasn’t looking for this sweet girl. She never left my side. Jemi had to be touching me when we slept, while I drove, and if I left her she howled. After several weeks on the road and many adventures through the plains, deserts, and mountains, I brought Jemi home.
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