Entry Category:
Dapper Dog
Pet's Story or BioI really had no intention of adopting a fur baby. I had just signed up to foster and was a volunteer in Bath Brigade and I felt that would be enough to fulfill my need for pet love. However, on a Bath Brigade Tuesday last November, I went to kennel #47 to get Josie for a bath, (at the time she was not named) and there she was with 3 other little pups, sitting in the back of the kennel, sweet as she could be. I was immediately drawn to her, she was confused and so scared, but above all else, I could see love and adoration in those big, brown beautiful eye's and my heart melted. I initially fostered Josie, but after just a few days, I knew we were meant to be together. I didn't know what her story was, she was listed as a stray that was dropped off at the shelter. I often as myself "why?", she is such a sweet, loving, smart and funny little pup, but in my heart I say "Thank You" to whoever gave her up, I guess it was really meant to be. Josie is the best and I'm so glad we found each other.