Fussy Edmonds-McRae
Fussy Edmonds-McRae
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Your pet's story or fun facts about your pet
This is Fussy! Fussy and his six siblings were found three years ago nursing on their deceased mama cat. They were taken to a local pound where the rescuer was told there was no alternative but euthanasia because they were two days old. We took all seven in with a warning from our vet that we should not expect to be successful! All seven lived and are thriving today. Fussy is a special boy. He has a condition called mega-colon (he thinks it's a super power!) that necessitated his colon be removed so that he could live normally. The condition made him very fussy and loud as a baby because he couldn't potty! It took him a long time to recover after his surgery but he is doing BEAUTIFULLY, don't you think?
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